1301 E Palmer-Wasilla Highway, Wasilla, AK 99654


MONDAY – FRIDAY 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Composite Fillings

With the durability and strength of new composite fillings, you need not show any teeth with silver fillings. Advances in dental materials and technology have produced composite filling materials that are as durable as amalgam fillings.

Composites are a cosmetic dentistry treatment that has been used in front teeth for decades. In the past, this tooth-colored filling material was used to fill cavities in front teeth so that no one could tell you had dental work.

However, posterior teeth posed a special problem. The pressure exerted by chewing was too much for composites to withstand, so they were seldom used to fill back teeth. Recently, dental advancements have made it possible to apply tooth-colored fillings to molars as well. With the new curing systems available, the composites are sturdy and durable as well as aesthetically appealing.

Now you can smile, laugh, sing, and not think twice about how your back teeth appear. They will look just as natural as all your other teeth.

There are a variety of composite resins on the market today. They contain a mix of plastic and glass or ceramic. Each type has its advantages. Some have specific uses. Light-cured resins require the use of a special blue light to cure or harden the composite material. The filling is put down in layers and the light is used on each layer ensuring that the filling is completely hardened throughout. A reaction is activated in the resin when the light is used and this causes the material to harden. These are the strongest and most durable composite resins. All composites are available in shades that match your natural tooth color.

Contact Lane Family Dental today to schedule an appointment and find out if composite fillings are right for you.