Root canal therapy is necessary when the tooth pulp is compromised by infection. This procedure eliminates bacteria at its source and can save a tooth from extraction. While you may not look forward to getting a root canal, at Lane Family Dental, you can be assured of...
Tips For Sleep Apnea Relief
If you snore, you are not alone. About 40 percent of men, and 24 percent of women, snore. From tiny puffs of air to something resembling a chain saw that could shake the rafters, there are a thousand different kinds of nighttime rumblings drifting across the bed. Or...

An Introduction to Dental Crowns
Our Wasilla, AK practice offers dental crown treatment for natural-looking restorations to maintain your bright, full smile. If you have experienced recent damage or decay, Dr. Jason M. Lane may recommend a dental crown during your course of treatment. Below, we’ll...
Why Patients Choose Porcelain Veneers in Advance of Special Occasions
Special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, graduations, milestone birthdays, and even major career changes usually happen only once in a while. No wonder so many men and women talk to their dentists in advance of their big events about cosmetic dentistry...
Should I Get Veneers?

“Why aren’t my teeth whitening?!?!”
You’ve tried teeth whitening strips, gels, toothpaste, mouth rinses…still, your teeth won’t whiten. It’s more common than you may think. The problem could be that your dental stains can’t be whitened, or even lightened. What you think are topical stains may actually...
What to Do in a Dental Emergency
At Lane Family Dental, we know that dental emergencies can bring your life to a stand-still. Even if you aren’t in pain, the anxiety of knowing that something is wrong with your tooth makes it hard to think about anything else. For this reason, we always make time in...

When Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth
As long as you know what to do when your child knocks out a tooth, you can react with confidence. The calmer the situation, the better your child's chances of a good outcome. Dr. Jason Lane suggests the following steps: 1. Locate the tooth. There is a possibility the...

3 Tricks for Keeping Your Smile White
Almost anyone can waltz into a dental office and request teeth bleaching. Keeping your teeth white after whitening, however, is the real trick. If you're planning to try a professional tooth whitening treatment, then you'll want to be prepared in advance to make your...

Four Things You Didn’t Know About Dental Crowns
A dental crown is a great way to preserve your natural tooth. The full coverage restorations help to protect the integrity of your bite, while also enhancing how it looks. But here are four things that you might not have known about dental crowns: They Need to be...
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8:00AM – 5:00PM